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New prayer request

Place your personal prayer request, your thank or prayer for the next issue here, please.

Post your prayer needs below and we will make sure to pray with you and for you.  Tell your friends and help us grow this prayer effort because as it says in the bible “For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them.” -Matthew 18:20. 

God be with you and bless you.



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  • Queridos hermanos y hermanas en Cristo, - Me gustaría oraciones para que mi trabajo salga bien, triunfe en mis estudios y mi competencia, que el Señor restaure mi matrimonio, que mi familia sea salva y bendecida !! ¡¡Rezo para ser independiente, para encontrar alojamiento lo antes posible !! ¡¡Oro para que el Reino de Dios progrese y que el mundo sea bautizado con el Espíritu Santo !! Se bendecido !!
  • Please offer prayers for me as I start the difficult journey of controlling cancer. With Jesus I can do do wrong, however, prayer is one of the most powerful actions we have for assisting others in times of distress. God bless you all.
  • Oh Lord, let us pray for all who are suffering from this CoVid pandemic. If they lost their work, if they have fear about the future, if they miss the social closeness, and so on. But let us in the same way not forget on those, who still have to live in poverty and distress, as refugees, as persecuted, as outcasted, ... Maybe because they have another color of skin or hair, speak another, for us a foreign language, ... Give us that we not forget on our Christian faith and meet them with the necessary love.

      In Jezus Naam, Amen